Produced and distributed in paper form to the parish.
Chatburn Churches Together
Christ Church Chatburn and Chatburn Methodist Church
Priest-in-charge: The Revd Andy Froud (01200) 423317
Mobile 0796 9576691 Email:
Editor: Mr Howard Douglas 441624 e-mail:
Methodist Minister: the Revd Ian Humphreys (01200) 443489
Hon Assistant Priest: the Revd Anne Hardacre (01200) 429341
Pastoral Assistant: Mrs Ena Douglas (01200) 441624
Thought of the Month
Dear friends
In trepidation I clutched the receipt in my hands and joined the que at the customer services desk! I was not alone….a que of people wanting to exchange goods or claim refunds had gathered. Although I was sure of my consumer rights, tension began to rise as I wondered – would the shop assistant exchange the new top for one of a larger size? This was a time to make my case. I imagine a pitch on Dragons Den would be less stressful?. Phew ! The receipt was alright and the exchange could take place – some questions and a smile from the shop assistant. That was not so bad after all!
We live in a world where we hope to get what we paid for and if not then we can take it back. On a National and community scale – we pay our taxes and expect the roads to be maintained, bins to be emptied and a Health service to help us when we need it.
Christians believe that God does not work in this way at all! That Gods love cannot be earnt or bought as if part of a transaction. Christians believe that Gods love is freely given and freely available to all. Something for nothing ? Not quite, the love given for all of us cost God the life of his only Son. The free gift of God’s love energises Christians to give freely to care for one another and to work for a fairer world.
Whatever your beliefs, what would our community look and feel like if we all gave freely to care for one another? I know some do already and I am so thankful for the many volunteers working through a wide range of organisations, and I am acutely aware of the challenge of finding more people to help. Can we give of ourselves in a way that would enrich others around us? As we prepare for easter may we be prepared to receive freely from God and give freely for others.
Please feel welcome at any of the Church or Chapel services or events
Yours in Christ,
Ian Rev Ian Humphreys
Methodist Minister for Chatburn
Job Vacancy
Christ Church, Chatburn, requires an organist to play on Sunday mornings at 11am as well as weddings and funerals as soon as possible. We have a 5-year old Allen “Protégé two manual organ. Further details and remuneration can be discussed with Revd Andy Froud, 01200 423317 or with our churchwardens Daphne Porter (01200 441690) or Valerie Mewis (01200 440335).
Clitheroe Christians in Partnership – 2018 Lent Talks
“Christian perspectives on health and healing”
The Lent Talks will take place on five Saturday mornings from Saturday 24 February to Saturday 24 March starting at 11 am and concluding at 12 noon with tea and coffee served from 10 30 am in the St. Michael and St. John’s Parish Hall (now known as the Assembly Hall), Lowergate, Clitheroe.
Each speaker will relate their Christian faith to their particular experience of health and healing.
Saturday 24 February, “A Christian surgeon” – Danny Tang
Saturday 3 March, “A Christian view of mental health” – Rev’d Robert Fielding
Saturday 10 March, “Healing through the power of the Holy Spirit” – Julie Young
Saturday 17 March, “Personal healing” - Rita Heyes
Saturday 24 March, “Healing through the cross of Christ” – Rev’d Mark Woodward
At 10 am on Good Friday, 30 March there will be a united ecumenical service at St. James’ Church in Clitheroe followed by a walk of witness to the Castle Gate where shared open air worship will take place.
Manor House
Mrs.Edith Lawson has recently celebrated another birthday at Manor House. This being her 103rd! Most will remember Edith from 'Fred Lawsons' frozen food business on Chatburn Trading Estate. Edith was born in 1915 at Sykes Cottage near Dunsop Bridge. Then, aged three, with parents Charles and Margaret Winder, the family moved to Meanley Farm at Newton where Edith lived for over 80years.She grew up with sisters Annie and Nellie and attended Newton Primary School before going into service. Edith met her husband Fred at Waddington Chapel, and in 1937 they married at Newton Church, and went on to have one son - David. Edith has always been active and enjoys gardening and handicrafts. She was a stalwart of Slaidburn W.I., and was awarded her 50 year membership trophy.Edith is family orientated, and is a grandmother of two and a great grandma to six. Edith was born during the First World War, and married Fred two years before the start of the Second World War.Edith said there has been many changes in her long life but says staying active is the most important thing to staying healthy.
Social Events at Manor House:
Burns Night was enjoyed with a Scottish theme throughout the day. Scotch broth, Aberdeen Angus, or Scottish salmon with whiskey cranachan were choices on the menu. The residents declined to do the highland fling and settled for a Scottish quiz.Shrove Tuesday was of course celebrated with pancakes made with a variety of fillings.
THE ZOOLAB. The residents were amazed when a visit from the Zoolab came and brought various animals to look at and hold. Creatures including tarantulas, snakes, large centipedes and rats were passed around. Most of the residents were eager to handle the creatures while the lady provided interesting information about each.
Blackpool Sing a long:
Dressed in a bus drivers uniform the entertainer had the residents pretending they were boarding a coach to Blackpool. He used a large screen to take everyone on a nostalgic journey back to the 50's and 60's. Punch and Judy, the Tower Circus and the fair ground were on film.
Appropriate songs were sung and the journey rounded up with various George Formby songs which he accompanied with his ukulele. The residents can't wait for his next coach trip!
A Parish Council Meeting was held in the Village Hall, Downham Road on Monday, 22 January 2018 at 7.30pm.
Present: Mr. P. Whittaker (Chairman), Mr. S. Booth, Mr. H. Douglas, Mrs. L. England, Mr. R. Porter, Mr. R. Smith and Mrs. S. Turner
Five members of the public were present
Public Participation:
Several matters were brought to the Parish Council’s attention: the footpath between Smithies Bridge and Ribblesdale Hall needs sweeping; overhanging hedge on Worston Road; pothole in the road outside Greendale, Downham Road; a proposed handrail for Crow Trees bungalow residents; damaged kerbstones outside the Methodist Church.
Clitheroe Railway Interchange Office:
A letter of support for Ribble Valley Rail’s proposal to keep the Clitheroe Railway Interchange Office open has been sent to Lancashire County Council
Clitheroe Grammar School:
Councillors were not satisfied with the response received concerning parking arrangements for events at the school. These were handled successfully at Bowland High School and it was suggested that a similar arrangement could be made for Clitheroe Grammar School. It was resolved to write again to the school governors advising them that they are not recognizing their duty of care and that parents will respond to parking requests if properly informed of the situation.
Worston Road:
Following a request from a resident expressing concern about the volume and speed of traffic on Worston Road it was resolved to request Lancashire County Council to:
1. Include Worston Road in the weight restriction through Chatburn
2. Place a 30mph speed restriction on Worston Road
3. Place sign at the Skipton side of the A59 directing traffic down the Pimlico Link Road.
Planning Applications & Decisions:
3/2018/0025 - Change of use of agricultural land to extend existing car park at Shackletons Garden Centre Ltd Clitheroe Road Observations:
a) There must be a Section 106 clause stating that the land is returned to agricultural use when the car park is no longer in use.
b) There have been serious drainage problems in the past which will be exacerbated by the extension of the car park. It is imperative that every aspect of drainage be addressed when considering the application.
c) The car park lighting must be sympathetic to the community.
It was resolved to hold the next Parish Council meeting on Monday, 19 February 2018 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Downham Road.
Parish Councillors
Howard Douglas 01200 441624 Linda England 01200 441827
Roy Porter 01200 441690 Sue Turner 07801 282027
Paul Whittaker 01200 441935 Ronald Smith 01200 440116
Gary Scott 01200 441775 Stephen Booth 01200 440226
School News
Class one have been learning all about space and particularly the first man on the moon. They have also being looking at The Arctic in geography and they welcomed a visitor into school to talk to them all about this cold place. The children have also enjoyed producing artwork connected to this topic.Class two - After visiting Bradford for the pantomime, class two have written their own version of the fairytale. Each pupil made their story into a book and some of these are displayed in the corridor at school.Ford Maddox Brown is an artist who painted a famous picture called “The last of England”.
Class two pupils have copied the design using a variety of textures including felt, netting, string, tissue paper and pastel colours. These can be seen in the school hall.
Class Three had a very interesting morning at the Hindu Temple in Preston where they were made most welcome and learned a lot about this religion. Mrs Shaw took lots of pictures and along with some artwork, these will soon be displayed in school.In geography, pupils have been identifying all parts of the British Isles and are making a papier-mâché map.
Class Four will this term be learning about the important inventors of the past. They will use iPads to research the different inventions, write about them and produce artwork of their own inventions.
A team from years five and six will shortly enter the local inter-school tag rugby competition to be held in Clitheroe and will also send a team to represent us at the local school football competition. There are many more opportunities to take part in sport once Spring arrives and Mrs Shaw will run lunch time clubs to prepare us for these competitions.
The junior children will take part in the Sing Together competition which will take place at King George’s Hall Blackburn on 10th March. Our school have been involved in this gathering of many schools for quite a few years. Mrs Dickinson is busy rehearsing with the children ready for the performance which is always well attended and enjoyed by all.
Coming up soon is our Fairtrade Snack Attack event in support of Fairtrade Fortnight when the pupils will enjoy healthy Fairtrade fruit snacks and our parents will help by sending in tray-bakes like cereal bites, flap jack, banana cubes etc using Fairtrade ingredients.
We have a busy half term ahead up to the Easter Break with preparation for the year 6 SATs well underway and our parents evenings taking place in the next couple of weeks.