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May 2024 Update

Christ Church
Christ Church

What a month weather wise and for politics. Let’s hope that June brings the much needed sunshine to brighten our spirits although our Pentecost Party certainly lifted the mood.
Here is a snapshot of the services and activities which we have undertaken through the month.

5th May 2024. At our Holy Communion service the gospel theme focussed on the greatest commandment, “Love one another as I have loved you” and the quote “No one has a greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”.
Reverend Catherine told us the story about the Titanic, bandleader, Wallace Hartley who played the violin with the band whilst the ship was sinking. The hymn they played was ‘Nearer my God to Thee’ which is engraved on his grave stone. Wallace was actually born in Colne. Reflecting on this true story Reverend Catherine said that Wallace lived his life to the end helping others. Let’s hope and pray that we never have to face such circumstances and give up our lives for others, but as we know we are called as Christians to love one another unconditionally.

Hearts of love
Hearts of love

Our Sunday Club coloured in heart shapes and made heart prayer mobiles to signify love.

6th May 2024 was Village and church clean up day. Some serious hard work was undertaken weeding and cleaning the bus shelter being some of the jobs undertaken.
The church was cleaned and the silver and brass polished.
Thank you to all those who offered their services and gave up their ‘Bank Holiday’ to undertake community service. It is much appreciated. Thank you also for the soup, bacon and sausage baps, Delicious!
Here are some photos from the event:-

Village and church cleanup day
Village and church cleanup day
Village and church cleanupday
Village and church cleanupday
Village and church cleanup day
Village and church cleanup day
Village and church cleanupday
Village and church cleanupday
Village and church cleanup day
Village and church cleanup day
Village and church cleanup day
Village and church cleanup day
St Leonard's church Downham
St Leonard's church Downham

9th May 2024 saw the benefice coming together for an Ascension Service at St Leonard’s Church Downham. This service was very well attended by all four churches. It was a beautiful evening and it was good to share fellowship with our partner church congregations.
Reverend Catherine was the preacher and Reverend Judith presided. The sermon focussed on the Disciples being told they would receive power, after the Holy Spirit comes to them and they will be witnesses to ‘the uttermost parts of the earth'. This was related to Vision 2026 where we are called to become Disciples and Witnesses to Jesus Christ.

Sunday Club with their spiral prayers
Sunday Club with their spiral prayers

12th May 2024 Our All Age Service continued the theme of Ascension being led by Reverend Anne, technically assisted by Ben. The theme was of ‘patience’ because the Disciples were told they would have to wait till they had been clothed with the power from on high. She asked what did we think the disciples would have been thinking, fear, excitement, boredom, wonder, maybe. The children came to the front and acted out some of these moods. Reverend Anne concluded that at Pentecost the Holy Spirit would change them and they would be able to teach about Jesus more effectively.

Messy Pentecost
Messy Pentecost

19th May 2024 This was a very special service which saw the blending of the morning Holy Communion Service with Messy Church on a beautiful summer morning. It worked very well. A simplified service of Holy Communion was used and the children acted out the Gospel. Paul delivered the ‘gifts of the Holy Spirit’ for the children to open.

Bacon butties and hot dogs were much appreciated for lunch, (Thank you Daphne and Estelle) followed by children’s activities in the afternoon which included fun time with the parachute, bubbles, sand play, streamers, balloons and worship songs. Technology lessons were also available! Thanks also to Joanne and team for coming up with this fantastic idea and Reverend Catherine for leading us through the service. A collection for Christian Aid after the service was made.(12th to 18th May 2024)

Pentecost food and drink
Pentecost food and drink
Pentecost - Children creating flames
Pentecost - Children creating flames
Pentecost Flames
Pentecost Flames
Pentecost Party
Pentecost Party
Pentecost In the sunshine
Pentecost In the sunshine
Deep in thought our techies
Deep in thought our techies
Children singing and Peter Rabbit
Children singing and Peter Rabbit

26th May 2024. We welcomed the Reverend Dr. Judith Clark, Vicar of our benefice to Christ Church. Reverend Catherine attended St Mary’s and St. Leonard's. Reverend Judith had printed a special service booklet for Trinity Sunday. In her sermon she advised that it is notoriously difficult for preachers who try to explain the Trinity through earthly props The best example she knew was from a children’s book and it was the apple. The skin on the outside represents God the Father who protects us, the flesh is God the son who died to give us new life and the core with seeds is the Holy Spirit. Together they all make one apple. I must admit I had not heard that analogy. Sunday Club were a little depleted but took on the theme of ‘Eternal Life’. The children learned a song under the guidance of Eileen and at the end of the service we were all singing it. Jessica gave Peter Rabbit to Judith to mind whilst she sang.

Looking out into the community
Looking out into the community

I would like to think that we are an outward looking church that is seeking to become witnesses to Jesus Christ in our community and beyond, following in the steps of the Apostles and championing Vision 2026.

As William Temple, a former Archbishop of Canterbury said,
“The church is the only organisation that does not exist for itself, but for those who live outside of it”
1) A healthy church is rooted in the local community, being prepared to work other local Christian churches and organisations for the good of the community.
2) The church is passionate about justice and peace locally and globally.
3) An outward looking church is a church that seeks to champion these causes through prayer and giving.
4) The church makes connections between faith and daily living and responds to human need with loving service.

Christ Church along with the other churches in the benefice has been invited by Bishop Phillip to join the Parish Renewal Programme. We will be discussing this at our PCC meeting at the beginning of June 2024 when Reverend Judith will give us more information about the scheme and what it means to us as a Church.

Other news from the Blackburn Diocese:-
+Thy Kingdom Come a global prayer movement was held 9th - 19th May 2024. Booklets were made available at the back of church for those interested in taking part.
+Thirty years of women’s ordination to Priesthood took place at Lancaster Priory.
+The Diocesan Youth Forum has been launched for young people between the ages of 11-17.
+A stand for Diocesan Synod Election Campaign. I’m pleased to inform you that Wendy Walker from St. Pauls has been elected. Congratulations Wendy. I also note that Reverend Judith has been elected to the House of Clergy.

April 2024 Update

April has been a predominantly unsettled month with little in the way of warmth, except for the welcome you would have received at Christ Church both for services and activities. I’m glad to say that May which is known as the last month of Spring, according to meteorological calendar has brought some warmer weather. I hope this lasts for our Village and Church Clean up day on Bank Holiday Monday 06/05/2024.
Here is a snapshot of our church services and activities.

7th April
We celebrated Holy Communion with Reverend Catherine when the gospel theme was about Jesus’s words to the disciples ‘Peace be with you’. Catherine reminded us all in the midst of fear or sadness it is good to share the gift of joy, peace and the Holy Spirit with others.
Reverend Catherine explained that the Disciples became Apostles from this time on. Disciple means being a follower or learner of Christ, whereas an Apostle literally means ‘one who is sent off’ and supports a mission and particular belief.

Sunday Club hands
Sunday Club hands

Sunday Club decided to take on the theme of ‘Doubting Thomas’ ‘Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believed’.

Marks of love
Marks of love

Joanne our Sunday Club leader encouraged the children to draw round their hands. The marks of the nails were replaced with hearts. She also pointed out that if you put your hands together they make a heart shape, demonstrating that Jesus means love and sacrifice.

Sunday Club holding up their drawings
Sunday Club holding up their drawings

14th April
Our All Age Service was about journeying and based on the journey to Emmaus made by the disciples. In this story the Disciples were unaware of Jesus walking with them and it was if Jesus was wearing a mask. In fact this was preparing the disciples to recognise Jesus in the Upper room when Jesus broke bread and to have faith and reach out to others with the ‘good news’.
We sang a faith song to begin the service ‘Here I am to worship’ and finished with the song, ‘One more step along the way I go,…... keep me travelling along with you.’

Our Sunday Club went outside at the beginning of the service and had a walk around the graveyard where they met a ‘stranger’. Actually it was Julie in disguise which demonstrated the disciples walk with Jesus who was a stranger to them. Joanne always delivers when it comes to children’s activities, they are very well received and the children learn about Jesus in a very practical way.

Anna Chaplaincy
Anna Chaplaincy

16th April.
In the evening I attended the Whalley Deanery Synod at St. James’ Church Clitheroe, along with Reverend Catherine and representation from St. Paul’s Church. This was an open meeting when Katherine Froggatt came to talk to us about the ‘Anna Chaplaincy’. Kathryn is the coordinator for the Blackburn Diocese. She outlined that the organisation is one of four ministries within the Bible Reading fellowship who’s vision to encourage people of all ages to explore and understand the Bible and apply it to their lives. The main aim of Anna Chaplaincy is to resource the spiritual journey of older people and their family, friends and carers and to promote spiritual welfare of older people in the wider community, beyond church. It is a voluntary role and chaplains are appointed, authorised and accountable to their local church. Whilst there is much overlap with Pastoral Care the focus is on the older population and goes beyond the church network.

21st April.
The fourth Sunday of Easter Reverend Catherine explained is all about ‘The Good Shepherd’ who lays down His life for his sheep. Catherine likened the flock of sheep to ourselves who meet together with all our faults at the Eucharist. We can become complacent and always make space and welcome new people to come into the fold. This is something we always try to undertake at Christ Church by welcoming new people to our services and social events.
Reverend Anne took up this theme at our Tuesday Holy Communion Service when she emphasised that the flock is not just about the Church of England, but about Christians in general from all denominations. How true that is and ‘food for thought’.

Drawings from Sunday Club
Drawings from Sunday Club

21st April
Our Sunday Club was a little depleted on this particular Sunday but Henry and Jessica were in full swing. Henry had drawn a picture of his farm complete with animals and Jessica had coloured in a drawing of a sheep drawn by Julie.

A closer shot of Julie's sheep
A closer shot of Julie's sheep

It is so good that we have members of church who are able to step in and lead the children when Joanne is unavailable. It’s a great team who work together and this makes for a very enjoyable Sunday Club. The children’s activities are always welcomed by the congregation who show their appreciation at the end of the service.

25th April.
It was good to meet up with Wendy Walker, Vision Champion from St Paul’s Church for a coffee and a catch up. We discussed our roles and agreed we would strive to stay active in our parishes.

Fruits of the spirit
Fruits of the spirit

28th April.
The main theme for our Sunday Communion was about Jesus being the Vine and that we are the branches.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit.”
This is a well known passage from St John’s Gospel. Lynda Leadbeater, Church Reader Emeritus, gave a very inspired talk in which she posed the question what can we say to ‘I am……….

Ben's beautiful colouring
Ben's beautiful colouring

The children concentrated on the ‘Fruits of the Spirit’ such as love, joy and peace and patience and produced some beautiful colouring.

Christ Church APM Booklet
Christ Church APM Booklet

Following the service we held our Annual Parochial Church meeting. The reports for this meeting can be found on the church website. John Farrimond produced a splendid booklet. Thank you John.


Our hearts are with those who have lost loved ones this month and there have been very many deaths in the village whose funerals have taken place at Christ Church. Our congregation are praying for strength, peace and comfort for every family who has been bereaved. One of our oldest members was Maureen Barnes who passed away in the manor House.

The Diocesan Vision Prayer
Heavenly Father, we embrace Your call for us to make disciples, to be witnesses, to grow leaders and inspire children and young people. Give us eyes to see Your vision, ears to hear the prompting of Your Spirit and courage to follow in the footsteps of Your Son; our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

March 2024 Update

Crown of Thorns
Crown of Thorns

A March snapshot of Vision 2026 at Christ Church Chatburn.

3rd March.
Reverend Anne Hardacre led the Holy Communion Service as Reverend Catherine was away. It was spookily very quiet as all the children attended Messy Church in the afternoon. The theme was based on St. John’s Gospel when Jesus overturned the tables in the temple.

Judith getting stuck in
Judith getting stuck in
Parachute Joseph
Parachute Joseph
Creating a woven Joseph
Creating a woven Joseph

3rd March.
Messy Church welcomed our new Vicar of the Benefice Rev. Dr. Judith Clark. Thirty children attended, along with their parents and carers. Lots of fun, learning about Joseph by way of drama and craft activities. The highlight of the afternoon was having fun with the parachute.

5th March.
The Lent course continued with a good attendance learning about the Exodus and Moses. These seasonal groups have flourished at Christ Church. This is very encouraging since it is part of our Action plan to develop ongoing bible study groups.

5th March.
In the evening a PCC meeting was held following a meeting of the Way (Mission and Worship) Forward Group. It was a long evening for some of us.

Children at the service
Children at the service

10th March.
A Mothering Sunday All Age service was held. The theme was based on three Mothers from the Bible. (Holding on and Letting go) Thank you Eileen, Julie and Grace for taking your parts so well.
At our All Age service we see something different each time. A bow and arrow was demonstrated a to signify ‘holding on and letting go’.
The children sang the faith song ‘Be Bold Be Strong’ and primroses were presented to the congregation.

17th March.
The chalice was re introduced since Covid for those wishing to receive it. Small glasses are still available for those not wishing to take the chalice for wine.

21st March.
Teen Cafe met in Church. Our young people are happy to have a safe place to meet and chat with each other.

22nd March.
A Winter Warmer Lunch was provided. I believe there was a new member of staff waiting on. Thank you Roy for stepping in I believe your table service was incredible.

24th March.
A Palm Sunday Service was held with the children processing around church. We must really try to have a procession from outside into church next year. We keep meaning to do it.

25th March.
The children from Chatburn School came into church for their Easter Service before breaking up for the Easter break.

Outside the church porch
Outside the church porch

26th March.
Children from Years 4 and 5 came to visit the Easter Experience in Church. Thank You to the volunteers who made this possible. The children appreciated the stations and asked lots of questions. Certainly this experience does inspire our young people in understanding the Easter story.

28th March.
A Benefice Maundy Service was held at St Paul’s Church Low Moor. This is always a well attended and moving service which has been held since Reverend Catherine came into post.

Jesus carrying his cross
Jesus carrying his cross

29th March.
A joint service was held at the Methodist Church Chatburn. This was led by Reverend Anne and was very well attended by people of all faiths.

Pontious Pilate washing his hands
Pontious Pilate washing his hands
Reflections booklet
Reflections booklet

In the afternoon a Benefice service of reflection and music was held at St Mary Magdalene Church Clitheroe, entitled ‘An hour at the foot of the cross’

31st March
Easter Day. A lovely service with an amazing turn out of 20 children who by the way didn’t know that they were going to get an Easter egg. Joanne our Sunday Club Leader had arranged lots of activities and they sang a brilliant faith song. All followed by an Easter Egg Hunt. Daphne as always created a beautiful Garden with an empty tomb under the altar. It will remain there until Easter finishes and there are seven weeks ending with the coming of the 50th day, Pentecost.

Wildlife patch
Wildlife patch

Take a walk down our churchyard path and see the wild flower garden which is flourishing. Must be all the rain we have been having.

The next Bishop of Burnley has been announced. He is the Rev. Dr. Joe Kennedy who is currently the Vicar of Oxton St. Saviour in the Diocese of Chester and Rural Dean of Birkenhead with 10 parishes and with different church traditions. Have a look and listen to him talking about his appointment in the video.

Easter Message.
We can find ourselves in a place sometimes where we seem incapable of hearing the good news that the Lord is risen, that life is stronger than death and love stronger than death and love stronger than sin. Yet the Lord never gives up on us and continues to come towards us until our eyes are opened. Even though the Lord may initially have met with resistance, he continues to hold out to us the privilege of proclaiming by our words and our lives the good news of Easter.
I do hope you had a very Happy Easter.

February 2024 Update

View of Church
View of Church

Hello everyone, the end of February already, even with the extra day. I can’t believe Easter is nearly upon us, it is very early this year.

The heavy snow which was expected on the 8th February didn’t really materialise, it had more of a slushiness about it. Storm Kathleen has not arrived yet I am pleased to say, but watch this space.

On the 4th February 2024, Reverend Anne preached on the theme ‘Creation and Light’, based on St. John’s Gospel which begins ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God’. This is a well known passage which is usually read at Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day.

Fire drill
Fire drill

February has been a very busy month with not only church services but Fabric and Event’s meetings and to top it all a fire drill organised by our Fire Officer Paul.
Sunday Club learned about John the Baptist
Sunday Club learned about John the Baptist

The theme of light continued the following week at the All Age service. Reverend Catherine spoke about the power of light and how it draws you closer to look at it. She referred to car headlights which these days seem much brighter and make night driving more difficult. I’ll vouch for that and there were many nods of agreement in the congregation too.

The Gospel story was about the ‘Transfiguration’ where Jesus is transfigured before Peter, James and John at the top of a high mountain. The earlier Old Testament story was about Elijah being taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire. In the New Testament Reverend Catherine explained that the emphasis is on light whereas in the Old Testament the emphasis was on fire.

We sang a song from the screen ‘Light of the World You Stepped Down from the Darkness' and of course the ever popular ‘Lord the Light of Your Love is Shining.’

Valentine hearts for Jesus and tossing of pancakes
Valentine hearts for Jesus and tossing of pancakes

The Sunday Club were very busy, practising their pancake tossing, making Valentine Hearts of Love for Jesus and writing their own prayers. We are very privileged to hear our children read their prayers and that they have the confidence to read them in public. Young disciples in the making every one of them!

Grace led the prayers with her mum, beautifully. The response to ‘Heavenly father Shining Bright was, May we reflect Your love.’ This is exactly what Reverend Catherine was trying to get over in her talk that as we draw closer to God we are able to shine to others as Christian Disciples setting an example, by our words and deeds.

Benefice Ash Wednesday service
Benefice Ash Wednesday service

Our Benefice came together for an Ash Wednesday Service at Christ Church on the 14th February 2024. Reverend Dr. Judith explained that this would be the first of a number of benefice services so that people from our four churches could meet and get to know one another.

Reverend Catherine led the service which was a Liturgy for Ash Wednesday, which included the inposition of Ash. Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. It always falls six and a half weeks before Easter. Ash Wednesday dates back to the 11th century. Yet the tradition of receiving ashes has even earlier roots- to the ancient Hebrew custom of clothing oneself in sackcloth and dusting oneself with ashes as a sign of penance.
The Bible does not explicitly detail this first day of Lent, but there are many instances of this repentant act in the Old Testament, such in the book of Job Chapter 16 verse 15.

‘I have sewed sackcloth upon my skin and have laid my strength in the dust.’

Reverend Dr. Judith preached at the service which was based on St. Matthew’s Gospel Chapter 6.
The main theme was about the selflessness of our giving and sincerity. Judith reminded us that Lent gives us time to pray, reflect and assess where we are going with our lives.

In memory of..
In memory of..

On your Epitaph and how would you wish to be remembered?

We are setting out on this journey of Lent not as isolated individuals, but together, as a church leading us hopefully to the wonderful feast of Easter.

At our Holy Communion Service on 18th February 2024 we welcomed Reverend Dr. Judith Clark again at our Holy Communion Service. Judith led the service and presided.

Reverend Catherine gave the sermon and spoke about Noah and the new covenant between God and his people.

Reverend Catherine preaching with Reverend Judith
Reverend Catherine preaching with Reverend Judith

We were reminded about the ‘bow’ or rainbow as we call it today. As we walk our desert journeys and when life is tough we are assured that Christ is with us in those times as well as the good times.

In the Gospel reading we hear about the Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan when a voice from the heavens says “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”. This Catherine said was a wonderful thing for God to say about his Son.

Reverend Catherine commented that where she officiates at Baptisms, with the families permission, she always posts a photo on our Church Face book pages. This lets other families know that baptism is not ‘dying out' and is still very much requested. Perhaps at a baptism a few spiritual seeds are sown which may develop later in life.

Lent is a season of shadows we are told and God helps us to follow the right path just as Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness.

Sunday Club telling us about their rainbow
Sunday Club telling us about their rainbow

Sunday Club took up the theme of Noah and produced some beautiful rainbows.

Poster for Lent Study
Poster for Lent Study

Oh my, our benefice Lent Course ‘Journey to Freedom’ proved very popular with 20 people attending our first session at Christ Church. All our churches were represented. In this session we looked at the First Sunday of Lent reading, Exodus Chapter 3 verses 1-12 which was about Moses and the ‘Burning Bush’.

The sessions are very informal and an in depth knowledge of the Bible is not required and you don’t have to attend every week. In between the course we are encouraged to read the daily Bible readings and reflections which are written by various people in the Diocese.

Teen caf'e poster
Teen caf'e poster

Teen Cafe proved popular on the 22nd February 2024 when thirteen younger people attended the evening session. The group was led by Char from St Luke’s Church Blackburn and Vikki. Activities included art, games, music and thinking about how they might have a ‘concert’ in the future. Hot chocolate was the order of the evening. Thank you to all the team your help is most appreciated.

Winter Warmer Lunch
Winter Warmer Lunch

The Winter Warmer lunch on the 23rd February 2024 attracted 30 people which is very encouraging and shows there is a need for this type of community support. As usual there was a choice of soups, sandwiches followed by sticky toffee pudding. This month instead of a quiz we were treated to a sing song which Roy had organised. We sang various memorable songs to his auto harp accompaniment. I personally enjoyed singing the old Seeker’s songs. Happy memories! Thank you Roy you are so musically gifted.

On Sunday the 25th February 2024 we celebrated a Holy Communion service where the theme was around Abraham and how his named changed from Abram and with Jesus foretelling his death and resurrection. Reverend Catherine explained that there is certain victory after those grim circumstances of the cross. God attaches the same promise to you and me in our life of cross-bearing when we should deny ourselves, by becoming a true disciple of Jesus. Continuing to patiently endure trials and difficulty and clinging to God by the faith he provides, which will end in guaranteed victory.

Sunday Club singing Father Abraham
Sunday Club singing Father Abraham

Our Sunday Club spent some time out in the beautiful sunshine rehearsing the song Father Abraham which they treated us to at the end of the service, complete with all the actions. Well done Sunday Club you were brilliant being led by Joanne, Eileen and Julie. We are so blessed to have a wonderful team of helpers and a children’s leader who always inspires our younger people.

Easter competition
Easter competition

Ben and his friend Lucas produced a brilliant March newsletter.
I do hope you have sent in your answers to his Easter competition.
I have.

Cleaning the silver and brass
Cleaning the silver and brass

In the March Newsletter I wrote an article on ‘Hidden Ministry’ I will not repeat it here except to say that we had a very energetic church clean up day during February. Thank you to those who came your help is most appreciated.

Blackburn Diocese Fruitful App
Blackburn Diocese Fruitful App

New from the Blackburn Diocese this month is the launch of the app called ‘Fruitful’. It is available for everyone to download now from Apple’s Store or via Google Play. It provides a great new digital space, available 24/7, to read the Bible; inspire prayer and encourage response in worship. It is believed that this is the first discipleship app to be launched anywhere in The Church Of England. Download using its full name Fruitful: The Diocese of Blackburn or the QR code which is available from the Blackburn Diocese. The app has been developed by the ‘Making Disciples Team' and will be used to emphasise the work of the Diocesan Vision 2026.

This month sees the second anniversary of the Russia and Ukraine conflict. We pray for the people of Ukraine and for the people of Russia, remembering also the people of Israel and Gazza and peace for the people of every land.

Holy God, the one in whom is all peace,
we pray for peace in your world.
We pray for your mercy for all innocent children, women and men of every land
who are victims of the hatred and violence of fellow human beings.
We pray also for those who choose to make war, that you would transform their hearts to choose peace.
And we pray for ourselves, that you would help us build communities where we can all live in peace.

We pray these things in the name of Christ, the Prince of Peace. Amen.

All that remains to say is “Happy Easter”.

January 2024 Update

A rather belated Happy New Year and what a start. I did say watch out for storms Henk, Isha and Jocelyn, but I didn’t think we would have them all. How wrong can you be! These were closely followed by snow and ice. Thankfully Kathleen has not made an appearance yet!

Follow the star
Follow the star

Our spirits were not down cast at Christ Church as we celebrated Messy Church on the 7th January 2024 enjoying an Epiphany Party led by our very own Joanne. The theme was ‘Follow the Star’.
As usual the children participated in drama at the beginning of the service enacting the visitation of the Wise Men on their way to Bethlehem. The children enjoyed taking part. I really enjoyed seeing the camels trotting around church.

Messy camels
Messy camels

Joanne explained that when we think of the Christmas story the star is a very important part that guides us to Jesus.

The star guiding us to Jesus
The star guiding us to Jesus

Jesus calls us all to be stars and guide people to him so they can meet Jesus too. In other words we are disciples just as Vision 2026 encourages us all to become disciples and spread the good news of Jesus.

The Wise Men finally arrive at the crib
The Wise Men finally arrive at the crib

Prior to Messy Church in the morning we held a Holy Communion Service, when the Three Wise men complete with their gifts were placed in the crib. Reverend Anne preached on their journey likening it to going to New Zealand (I can vouch for that Anne) and she said we must not be tempted to give up on our journey of faith with Christ, but we need to persevere.

Samuel hearing God's call
Samuel hearing God's call

All Age Service on the 14th January 2024 took the theme of ‘Hearing God’s Call’. The Gospel reading was about the story of Samuel being called by God. This was enacted by Roy & Georgie and how well, they did. David was the voice of God calling from afar. Well actually behind the red curtain.

Roy and Georgie our Eli and Samuel
Roy and Georgie our Eli and Samuel

Thank you to them all for bringing the story alive and to Daphne for the costumes and comfy beds! Your snoring Roy was exceptional.

Our Sunday Club singing the song
Our Sunday Club singing the song

We sang ‘Our God is a Great Big God’ and undertook the actions from the screen.

On Sunday morning the 21st January 2024 it was lovely to welcome the new Vicar of the Benefice Reverend Dr. Judith Clark to our Holy Communion Service. Judith is visiting Christ Church on the 18th February 2024 and then 17th March 2024, in order to get to know us all.

The Blessing
Rev. Dr. Judith with Rev. Catherine

Judith gave a talk on the wedding feast at Cana and gave us all an insight into the miracle. As she opened with ‘Jesus likes a party’ to get our attention. She left us with ‘food’ or rather ‘wine’ for thought. ‘How will we react in our own lives when we have water to wine moments’ Will we stand up to the challenge?
Interestingly Judith highlighted that Jesus ministry started with wine and finished with wine at the Last Supper. All this talk of wine was hard to handle especially as I was about to start Dry January (although later than planned.)
Vikki in her prayers referred to the ordinary becoming the extra-ordinary and that is just what miracles are.

On the 23rd January 2024 the PCC met in Church, as storm Isha hit the north west. Sitting under the spire was very scary to say the least but we all managed to keep focussed and got through the long agenda. Thank you to all those people who braved the horrible night to discuss church affairs you are truly committed.

We were able to get together with our Methodist friends at the Chapel to celebrate the Covenant Service. It was very well attended and the hymn singing was absolutely fantastic, raising the roof.
Reverend Catherine’s sermon was based on the reading from Jeremiah Chapter31 verses 31-34.
This Old Testament reading talks about the new covenant which will be made between God and all people and not just the Jews. It will be written on our hearts. Catherine said that Jesus knows all our names which gives us hope and he holds us in his palm.

Roy giving the answers to the musical quiz
Roy giving the answers to the musical quiz

On the Friday the 26th January 2024 our Winter Warmer was held. 22 people were treated to soup, sandwich and apple pie. The quiz this time took on the challenge of a musical quiz organised by Roy Porter. He played 25 various songs from hymns to Elvis and Cliff Richard’s summer holiday. It was a very enjoyable occasion. The next lunch is on February 23rd 2024, following which there will be a sing song for a change. Thank you to our resident kitchen staff and waitresses, you do a great job getting every body served and thank you to all who support the event.

Display of candles to celebrate Candlemas
Display of candles to celebrate Candlemas
Church window depicting the Presentation
Church window depicting the Presentation

The Sunday Service on the 28th January 2024, saw the crib being emptied as we celebrated the Presentation of Christ in the Temple and Candlemas which falls on the 2nd February 2024. Reverend Catherine preached on the theme and explained how the Nunc Dimitis came about ie Simeon taking baby Jesus in his arms and saying:-
“Master, now you are dismissing your servant in peace, according to your word, for mine eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the gentiles and for the glory to your people Israel.”
Reverend Catherine explained that she always says the Nunc Dimitis when praying for someone who is dying.

Ben and Henry reading their prayers and Jessica holding her lantern
Ben and Henry reading and Jessica holding her lantern

The Sunday Club made lanterns to represent the Light of Christ and Henry and Ben read prayers. Candles, Holy Communion Wafers and Wine were presented as gifts from the congregation and blessed at the altar.

On February 20th 2024 a 5 week Lent Course will run at Christ Church at 11am, unless you wish to attend a Holy Communion Service at 10am followed by refreshments first. The course is based on the Book of Exodus and called ‘Journey to Freedom’. You will be most welcome and you do not need to attend every session and no deep knowledge of scripture is required.

From the Diocese a new Director of Ministry has been appointed. Reverend Canon Beverley will take up this new post on 1st March. Beverley was previously Dean of Women’s Ministry.

Interviews for the next Bishop of Burnley were held on the 24th and 25th January and we are waiting to see who has been appointed.

On 23rd March 2024 a Pathways to Prayer course will be running at Whalley Abbey. This is an opportunity to explore fresh perspectives on patterns and styles of prayer. The day runs from 9.30am > 1pm at Whalley Abbey and is free. I have done this course and I found it very interesting.

Thy Kingdom Come will again start in May 2024 and this year it will focus on five main ways for churches to take part. Newly commissioned prayer stations with stunning art work will be available.

On the 12th October 2024 a Diocesan Festival of Healing and Renewal will take place at the Cathedral. Since Covid there has been a growing interest and experience of healing ministry in the Diocese.
The Bishop’s Harvest Appeal raised £31,000 for the charity CRESS UK to support in South Sudan.

New Diocesan App available soon
New Diocesan App available soon

Diocesan App available on the following links :-

Apple Store or Android Store

If you would like to stay in touch then the following Diocesan links are also available.


https://www.facebook.com/BlackburnDiocese/Blackburn Diocese

As Bishop Philip said
“Epiphany is a season of great wonder and mystery as Jesus reveals to us his identity as God’s incarnate Son and so points us to his saving work, which will bring the divine plan to its culmination. As Jesus reveals himself to you afresh, may you find rich joy in knowing Him and serving Him.”

A winter's day on the Downham to Chatburn bridle path
A winter's day on the Downham to Chatburn bridle path
The snowdrops in the graveyard make a welcome appearance
The snowdrops in the graveyard make a welcome appearance
Icy path down to the graveyard
Icy path down to the graveyard

What is Vision 2026?

"Healthy Churches Transforming Communities"

We desire to make the Good News about Jesus Christ more widely known, because we believe:

  • He is the One who brings "life in all its fullness"
  • Healthy church communities have a positive and transformative impact on our society.

We will work together to achieve this by:

Making disciples of Jesus Christ

  • Knowing the Scriptures better through reading, teaching, preaching and study
  • Praying with greater depth and urgency for the Kingdom of God to come
  • Giving generously of our time, talents and money to the cause of Christ

Being witnesses to Jesus Christ

  • Sharing the Gospel of salvation with confidence
  • Holding regular enquirers courses in as many local churches as possible
  • Showing God's love in action through projects that meet a local human need
  • Offering thorough and accessible Baptism preparation and follow-up
  • Planting or renewing 50 new strategic congregations by 2026

Growing leaders for Jesus Christ

  • Supporting and equipping the current leadership for today's context
  • Enabling missional leadership in every Christian community
  • Liberating lay leadership for greater participation
  • Creating the varied patterns of Sunday and weekday worship necessary to welcome all kinds of people, especially the newcomer

Prioritising work among children, young people and schools to raise up a new generation for Christ

The Diocesan Vision Prayer

Heavenly Father, we embrace Your call for us to make disciples, to be witnesses and to grow leaders. Give us eyes to see Your vision, ears to hear the prompting of Your Spirit and courage to follow in the footsteps of your Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

New Vision Champion for Christ Church.

  • My name is Lynn Farrimond and I will be commissioned on the 20th May, 2019 at Accrington Parish Church.
  • I am a regular member of the congregation here at Christ Church, having moved to the area seven years ago, from St. Georges, Tyldesley in the Manchester Diocese. I have served in various church roles for over 50 years. Now retired, I am currently a member of the Parochial Church Council here at Christchurch and help out with Children's activities, reading lessons and leading prayers at Sunday Worship amongst other things.
  • I see my new role being to gently nudge and encourage our parish and Benefice leaders and the congregation to plan and deliver activities that make disciples of Jesus, be witnesses to Jesus, grow leaders and prioritise work among young people.
  • At Christ Church under the guidance of Reverend Catherine, we have formed a Worship and Mission Group so that we can focus on developing our Mission and vision for the church and community here in Chatburn.
  • We will all need to work together to develop our action plan using our discipleship to the full.
  • Over the years Christ Church has been undertaking discipleship and mission in the community and has established strong and close links in the village, with the school, nursing home and with the Methodist Church. A lot has been achieved so far with people's commitment and dedication over the years.
  • We hope to build on this established foundation to enable Christ Church to move forward and become an even more effective church hub in the village and to make sure that our doors remain open in the future. We must also be aware of our commitment to the Diocese and the world-wide church.
  • I feel my role is to be an advocate for our vision and mission here in Chatburn, linking with the Vision Champions in our partner churches, ensuring that our local vision is an integral part of the Blackburn Diocese Vision 2026.
  • I will not be a high profile figure, but working to support the vision quietly and encouraging people to become disciples and leaders in our Christian community and in line with the Diocese priority for 2019. I hope to keep you informed of our progress over the following months. This is an exciting time in our church life although it is recognised that this can be rather daunting for some people.
  • If you have any comments which you would like to make please feel free to do so. I welcome comments that could be fed to the Worship and Mission Group regarding how you see the church helping in our local community and any specific needs, or if you have any feedback on Church Services.

Please give us some