Messy Church - Games - Food - Crafts - Songs for children of all ages from 1 to 101 - great fun for families together, carers and children, grandparents and grandchildren.
All you need is yourself and a sense of fun and friendship! Children must be accompanied by a parent or carer.
Look what we did at our previous with our latest postings on

Sunday Club for children during Morning Worship.
Lots of activities and things to do, which they are encouraged to talk about at the end of the service.
Activity packs in pews available when no Sunday Club meeting.
All Age Worship is a modern interactive service for all ages.
They will take place every 2nd Sunday of the month.
Look what we did at our previous with our latest postings on
Please complete this consent form and drop off at church or Roy Porter's Butchers.
To secure a place register your interest with Revd. Anne Hardacre on 01200 429341 or email.
Photographs and feedback of previous Holiday Clubs.
Look in the What's on for specific dates.
Our Policies.
Also please give us some