We are now posted all our Messy Chuch photos / movies on Facebook

Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Booking is essential due to limited availabilty.
Book via Email Us or on this Facebook link
Why not join us on the next one, it is free and fun.

Messy Church - 3rd March 2024

At our Messy Church held on 2nd February 2020, we had a change of format.
At the start we all came together to enjoy a power point presentation by Ben Travis which included two songs about light. Then the children and their carers enjoyed various crafts on the theme of light. They made lighthouses, candle holders, candle crowns, jig jag candles and sun pictures thinking of how we can be light to other people.
Rev. Catherine then told us how Jesus was taken to the Temple when he was 40 days old and presented to God. An old man called Simeon met him and prophesied that he would be a light to lighten the Gentiles/ non Jews and the glory of his own Jewish people.
Then everyone enjoyed sandwiches, cakes and drinks.
Again thanks to our faithful helpers and especially to Ben and his Mum Joanne.

Follow the Star

Christmas Tree

The Messy Church theme for November 17th 2019
was Preparing for Christmas.

Reverend Catherine retold the bible story of Mary preparing for Jesus’s birth and how she confided in Elizabeth who was also preparing for the birth of John the Baptist.

Craft activities focussed on Advent and Christmas.

Here are a few of the activities that were enjoyed by over 20 children.

Advent wreath cake
Advent wreath cake
Advent wreath party hats
Advent wreath party hats
Birthday cakes
Birthday cakes
Follow the Star Crib
Follow the Star Crib
Follow the Star Crib
Follow the Star Crib
Making crackers
Making crackers

Swipe or slide above for more photographs

St Michael and All Angels

Our 29th September 2019 Messy Church was based around the theme of "St Michael and All Angels".

Reverend Catherine told a story about how God's angels protect people, rescue people, answer prayers and give messages to people. Out of her story box came the figures of Mary, Joseph and the Angel.

Mary was told by the Archangel Gabriel that she would have a son Jesus.

These are some of our photographs.

Story Time with Catherine
Story Time with Catherine
Mary and the Angel
Mary and the Angel
Craft activities with Andy
Craft activities with Andy
Stained glass window lanterns
Stained glass window lanterns
Colouring Angels
Colouring Angels
Designing and making Angels
Designing and making Angels
Designing and making Angels
Designing and making Angels
Angel Creations
Angel Creations
Prayer Angels
Prayer Angels

Swipe or slide above for more photographs

Our 19/05/2019 Messy Church was based around the theme of "Rogation".

These are some of our photographs.

Farm Collage
Farm Collage
Pasta Picture
Pasta Picture
Badge Making
Badge Making
Planting Herbs
Planting Herbs
Story Time
Story Time
Nature Pendant
Nature Pendant
Nature Pendant
Nature Pendant
Nature Pendant
Nature Pendant
Nature Pendant
Nature Pendant

Swipe or slide above for more photographs

10th February 2019 had a theme of - Love.

It was a delightful afternoon service and enjoyed by 25 children and 20 adults.
Plenty of craft and other activities were on offer including:- 

  • A Photo Booth
  • Love Bugs
  • Grooms and Brides
  • Jesus loves you Mirrors
  • Collage work

Revd. Catherine told a story about The Good Samaritan.
Just as God loves us we should help and love other people.

Following an action song a tea party was enjoyed by all.

Love is..
Story Time
Story Time
Tea Party
Tea Party
More bugs
More bugs
Love in the form of Bride and Groom
Love in the form of Bride and Groom
One I prepared earlier
One I prepared earlier
Love bug
Love bug
Love Collage
Love Collage

Swipe or slide above for more photographs

This is to show what we have been doing at Messy Church, come and join the fun.

Our Messy church photographs from 16/12/2018

Nativity Scene
Nativity Scene
Display to hang in your window
Display to hang in your window
Children Busy
Children Busy
Creative materials
Creative materials
It's Christmas
It's Christmas
Christmas Tree
Christmas Tree
Nativity sticker Montage
Nativity sticker Montage

Swipe or slide above for more photographs

Our Messy Church for Father's Day (17/06/2018) gave us an opportunity to make cards, rosettes and to draw things for our fathers enjoy, but also to think about God , our Heavenly Father.

We made people to stick around a picture of the World to remind us that God is Father to us all. In our talk we remembered that God loves us all, wants the best for us all.

We sang about Father Abraham who is the father of the people of God / the church and said the Lord's Prayer together.

Then we enjoyed sandwiches, jelly and cake.

Photographs from our get together on 17/06/2018

God Father of our world
God Father of our world
In True Blue Peter fashion
In True Blue Peter fashion
Concentrated work was involved
Concentrated work was involved
The Story was this big
The Story was this big
Our Father who art in heaven
Our Father who art in heaven
Food Glorious Food
Food Glorious Food

Swipe or slide above for more photographs

Some of the items that have been created to celebrate Candlemas
in Messy Church on 04/02/2018.

Star and Candle
Star and Candle
Big candle and star
Big candle and star
Candle and basket
Candle and basket
Six Stars
Six Stars
What we made
What we made
Collage of candles
Collage of candles

Swipe or slide above for more photographs

All creations by the children attending Messy Church.

Good fun enjoyed by all (even the parents / carers ).

Full copyright reserved :) 

Messy Church 27th April 2018

A very successful Messy Church on the subject of Jesus the vine and we the branches.
Made vine leaves and bunches of grapes from card; coloured pictures of vines ; made fruit kebabs and planted sunflower seeds. Andy talked about the Christian 'fruit' Jesus wants us to grow in our lives, like love, joy, peace , patience...
About 40 children came with their parents or Grannies.