Wedding in church this could be you!

People have often referred to Christ Church as a hidden gem. A wedding in Christ Church has a unique beauty, ambience and historic value at this Grade 2 listed building.

Marrying in church is meaningful, spiritual and beautiful. 

Just as you want it to be!

A church is so much more than simply a venue for your wedding. Unique and special things become part of your marriage, on the day itself and beyond.

This first church to be built in the reign of Queen Victoria with facilities upgraded to include an accessible toilet with baby changing and a café area to welcome members of the wedding party who have travelled. There are 150 seats and free on street parking. Come and have a look...

Long View down church

Reverend Catherine Hale-Heighway has lots of experience and will help you along the way. You can be involved in making choices about your ceremony, and Catherine will guide you with your choices to make the wedding unique to you. She will help you with the selection of music for entering and leaving the church, and choosing your hymns, readings and prayers.

The church is open every day for viewing and is located on the main road leaving the village on the north side.

Happy Couple

My Church Wedding

For more information check out the Church of England's guidance at which also has a wedding planner and a walk through wedding service.

Donations to maintain this beautiful wedding venue are always welcome.

QR code to contact Revd Catherine Hale-heighway

Contact Catherine on
01200 458019 or email
Revd Catherine Hale-Heighway
or make use of the QR code.

A hopefully useful video about getting married in church.

UK Civil and Church Law 2008

In the past when people generally resided in the same place all their lives, couples could only get married in a church if they worshipped there regularly.

The law now recognises the increase in mobility of people, and since 2008 it is possible to marry in church if one of the couple lived in the parish for 6 months, or regularly gone to church in the parish for 6 months, or was baptised or confirmed in the parish, or parents lived in the parish, or parents regularly went to services at church in the parish for 6 months, or parents were married in the parish or grandparents were married in the parish.

A lot of people would meet one of these connections and qualify. If the above connections could not be demonstrated, then attending church once a month for six months will qualify.

Fees for a wedding as at 01/03/2024
Description Cost
Publication of Banns £ 36
Certificate of Banns £ 18
Organist £140
Verger £ 55
Heating £ 40
Marriage Service £531
Total £820
Optional Technical Assistance (Audio / Visual) if required. + £50