Newsletter February 2018
Produced and distributed in paper form to the parish.
Chatburn Churches Together
Christ Church Chatburn Chatburn Methodist Church
Priest-in-charge: The Revd Andy Froud (01200) 423317
Mobile 0796 9576691 Email:
Editor: Mr Howard Douglas 441624 e-mail:
Methodist Minister: the Revd Ian Humphreys (01200) 443489
Hon Assistant Priest: the Revd Anne Hardacre (01200) 429341
Pastoral Assistant: Mrs Ena Douglas (01200) 441624
Thought of the Month
Dear Friends
I see a lot of doors in my work: not as many as the average postie but still quite a few. A door can be an obstacle: the front door of St Mary’s Vicarage has had so many locks fitted to it over the years that it looks like we have something worth stealing (secret - we only use one) Doors may have signs on them warning off the doorstep seller, the charity collector warning of a dangerous dog and otherwise giving the message that you should leave it and the owners well-alone. A door has the practical function of keeping draughts out and the heat in. It can also be welcoming - we’ve all had the experience of walking through stormy weather and seeing the light of welcome and warmth ahead of us.
Christ Church Chatburn’s doors are kept open during the day for anyone who is interested in prayer, the history of this beautiful building or simply in finding peace and sanctuary from our increasingly hectic and stressful world. Part of our last renovation work included fitting some glass into the inside doors, making the building more accessible.
The outside doors have got pretty battered over the years and the Parochial Church Council are looking to improve them, both for accessibility for pushchairs and wheelchairs and make our church an even more attractive and welcoming place.
Jesus tells us that he is Himself, the door to the sheepfold; giving sanctuary and shelter to those who come to him. In the Book of Revelation, St John has a vision of an open door: “After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven”. As we approach this season of Lent (Ash Wednesday is February 14th) I pray that you will find an open door at church and will open the door of you heart to welcome the love of Christ.
Yours in Christ Andy
Parish Council
A Parish Council Meeting was held in the Village Hall, Downham Road on Monday, 11 December 2017 at 7.30pm.
Present: Mr. P. Whittaker (Chairman), Mr. H. Douglas, Mrs. L. England,
Mr. R. Smith, Mr. G. Scott and Mrs. S. Turner
No members of the public were present
1. Apologies for absence were received from Mr. S. Booth and Mr. R. Porter
2. There were no declarations of Councillors’ interests.
3. Public Participation:
Items requested by residents to be brought to the Parish Council’s attention included concern that the footpath alongside the river was gradually disappearing due to the adjacent land flooding and concern that the new street lights on Victoria Avenue were inadequate as they were not illuminating the steps sufficiently.
4. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
5. Borough Councillor’s Report:
The Borough Councillor reported that there had been a proposal to close the Clitheroe Railway Interchange Office.
6. Clerks Report:
There were no additions to the written report.
7a. SpID Replacement:
The company has recently moved premises and there has been a delay in dispatching orders.
7b. Annual Risk Assessment:
This item was deferred until the January meeting.
7c. Ribblesdale View Parking:
This continues to cause concern. Residents are parking on the pavement causing obstruction and it was suggested that vehicle owners could be encouraged to park on the main road.
8. Representatives Reports
LALC Meeting – It was reported that County Councillor Atkinson will view the Ribblesdale View road surface prior to attending a Parish Council meeting.
9. Planning Applications & Decisions:
No planning applications have been received.
3/2017/0759 – Ribblesdale View – approved
3/2017/0879 – 12 Darkwood Crescent – approved
3/2017/1052 – land off Old Road
10. Playing Field:
a) The monthly inspection report found no faults with the equipment.
b) It was resolved to employ a local person to weed kill the playing field in 2018.
11. Finance & Accounts:
LITE – Christmas tree light repairs - £30.00
K. Sunter - £125.00
S. Sturrock – salary - £626.00
PPS - £97.08
HMRC - £187.75
There were no receipts
12. Items for the next Agenda:
A. Risk Assessment
B. LEF Funding
13. It was resolved to hold the next Parish Council meeting on Monday, 19th February 2018 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Downham Road.
Parish Councillors
Howard Douglas 01200 441624 Linda England 01200 441827
Roy Porter 01200 441690 Sue Turner 07801 282027
Paul Whittaker 01200 441935 Ronald Smith 01200 440116
Gary Scott 01200 441775 Stephen Booth 01200 440226
School News
Class one have been learning all about the Arctic and the Antarctic and are making an igloo out of plastic milk bottles glued together. It will be fantastic.
Class two have been looking at the artwork of John Farquharson who created pictures of winter scenes. We tried to replicate this and the pictures are now up in the corridor. We are sure you will agree that they capture the features of his work.
Class three will shortly be visiting the Hindu Temple in Preston as part of their termly religious topic, with Mrs Shaw. The day promises to be very informative and will give the children an insight into this interesting religion.They are also going to take part in a sporting event to be held at Oakhill College.
Class four are learning about Space and have produced artwork about the planets, writing about aliens and even films about the moon, earth and sun.
Year six pupils took part in the Tuesday Communion service in church last December, which they enjoyed and which promoted lots of questions in our RE lessons.
We now plan to take our year five pupils to a service in the next couple of weeks.Mr Bovinizer, a regular visitor to our school, has once again come to take the RE lessons for a few weeks in class four. These sessions will introduce the stories in the Old Testament.Next week, the whole school will visit The Alhambra Theatre in Bradford to see this year’s pantomime - Cinderella. On our return, the children will be asked to recount their experience.
The juniors are busy rehearsing for the Sing Together concert which will take place at King George’s Hall Blackburn at the beginning of March.
In support of Fairtrade, our school will be holding an event called The Fairtrade Snack Attack in the school hall at the beginning of March. We will be sampling healthy snacks made with Fairtrade fruits and will be asking our parents to make traybakes of flapjack, cereal bites and granola bites in addition to banana loaf for our pupils to sample. These are to be made using as many Fairtrade products as possible including - sugar, syrup, honey, dried fruits and bananas. We hope to raise awareness of Fairtrade and at the same time encourage the children to try healthy snacks.
Job Vacancy
Christ Church, Chatburn, requires an organist to play on Sunday mornings at 11am as well as weddings and funerals as soon as possible. We have a 5-year old Allen “Protégé two manual organ. Further details and remuneration can be discussed with Revd Andy Froud, 01200 423317 or with our churchwardens Daphne Porter (01200 441690) or Valerie Mewis (01200 440335).
Newsletter Delivery
We are in need of someone to deliver newsletters to Pendle Ave &
Victoria Ave. If no one is found future copies will have to be collected at Christ church
7.30 pm Saturday 10th March
Championship Section and All England Masters Milnrow Band - plus guest Soprano
A musical flavour appropriately opens the music festival with excerpts from many popular shows, including South Pacific, Cats, Carousal, West Side Story, Phantom of the Opera, Oklahoma, Les Miserables and more.
Tickets are £10 from St. Mary’s Centre weekday mornings or 01254 384893. Pay bar.
All proceeds go towards St Mary Magdalene Church restoration fund.
Details of all festival events at churches around the Ribble Valley are in leaflets in church.
Open the Door at Christ Church Chatburn for
Tuesday 13th February 6.30pm Shrove at Christ Church Chatburn.
All the family are welcome to join in the fun of puzzles, games and quizzes after pancakes from the church kitchen to commemorate Shrove Tuesday.
Places are limited. Simply sign up beforehand on the form at the back of the church to ensure your places.
This is part of the Open the Door at Christ Church campaign to raise funds for attention to the doors and other maintenance items. There is no charge, but any voluntary donations will be welcome.
Following a required five year building inspection by a qualified architect it was found that almost £40,000 of work needs to be done to make this Grade II listed church building weather proof and safe.
The Open the Door at Christ Church campaign is to raise funds for this work, including attention to the doors.Twenty two fund raising events of a wide variety are taking place this year and we would welcome your support to these events and any voluntary donations to keep the church in good condition for generations to come.
Details of events will appear in the Parish Newsletter, in leaflets and posters around the area, on facebook and the website at:
Messy Church
Our next Messy Church is on Sunday 4th. February 2.30 - 4.00pm at Christ Church. The theme will be Candlemas( otherwise known as 'the Presentaion of Christ in the Temple') and the crafts will be on the subject of light.Children and their parents/carers are invited to join us for an afternoon of fun, craft,story and food.This Lent we are encouraging our church members to count their blessings, using a sheet prepared by Christian Aid.Each day we shall compare what we have with those in the Third World who have so little and either give a small amount of money or pray for them. At Easter we bring the money we have collected to church and it will be sent to Christian Aid.Count your Blessing sheets will be available at the Pancake evening and on Sundays in church.
Soup Lunch
The next monthly soup lunch will be held on Friday 16th February 11.45am-1.30pm Come along and enjoy good food, good company and good music. As usual there is no charge but any donations are welcome. This lunch is to raise funds for the renovation of the Parish church of Chatburn
Methodist Chapel
There is a Foodbank reception point in the Chapel Foyer.
Also the Chapel Stewards,or contacts for Room-hire, are
Neil Turpin 01200 441292, or Roy Porter 01200 441690
Joyful Noise” in February
12th Feb at Christ church - 26th Feb at the Methodist chapel.
Our pattern of meeting will then alternate between Chatburn Methodist and Christ Church.
Further details from Roy Porter (01200 441690) or royjames@royjporter.pluscom
Craft & Chatter
We meet on alternate Mondays to “Joyful Noise” at 7pm in Christ Church on the following dates: 5th March & 19th March 2nd April no meeting, 16th & 30th April 14th May & 28th May 11th June & June 25th
New Church website
Our new and refreshed website is live. The updated site includes changes to navigation, with dropdown menus that will work both on your mobile and desktop versions. We’ve also improved the structure of our content, so you’ll get more from a visit. The content has been expanded to include information on the wide range of events for all the family, who’s who, the history, news and loads more that will interest you. The site is administered by Andy, Clive, John and Howard, and they would love to hear any suggestions you have on the content. See if you can find some of the mistakes that have been introduced on purpose for you to find.
Pay a visit at
Holy Communion at the beginning of Lent
There will be no Holy Communion on Tuesday 13th February but on Ash Wednesday 14th February there will be a special service of Holy Communion for the beginning of Lent at 10.00am.
Church Library
We now have an extensive collection of modern paperback novels as well as hardback books and various outdoor publications. Visit our DVD and CD collections and browse at your leisure as the church is open every day.
All books are priced at 50p and DVDs & CDs are just a pound each. We welcome any clean modern books, DVDs & Cds, please just leave them in the church.
Film Night
The next film night will be on February the 6th at 7.30 pm We will be showing DUNKIRK. “Dunkirk” opens as hundreds of thousands of British and Allied troops are surrounded by enemy forces. Trapped on the beach with their backs to the sea, they face an impossible situation as the enemy closes in. The story unfolds on land, sea and air. RAF Spitfires engage the enemy in the skies above the Channel, trying to protect the defenseless men below. Meanwhile, hundreds of small boats manned by both military and civilians are mounting a desperate rescue effort, risking their lives in a race against time to save even a fraction of their army.
Holy Communion at the beginning of Lent
There will be no Holy Communion on Tuesday 13th February but on Ash Wednesday 14th February there will be a special service of Holy Communion for the beginning of Lent at 10.00am.
Mens Society
7.30 pm Friday 9th February 2018 at Christ church Chatburn
50+ years in the same 14' x 14'
A fascinating exposure with many anecdotes and humour by one of the most loved leading figures of the local community
Roy Porter
This event is organised Christ Church Men’s Society for everyone
Men, women, couples and singles - all are welcome
This month's sponsors of the newsletter are Anne & Derek Hardacre
SERVICES FOR February 2018 in church Venues
for 10am Holy Communion (Tuesdays)
Feb 6th Chatburn AF
Feb 13th Chatburn No service Downham Feb 14th AF
Feb 20th Chatburn AF
Feb 27th Chatburn AF Downham Feb 28th AF
Preachers at Chatburn Methodist Church at 10.30am
Feb 4th Mrs Cynthia Croydon
Feb 11th Revd Ian Humphreys (s)
Feb 18th Mr Peter Lumsden
Feb 25th Mrs Gillian Taylor
Sunday Services at Christ Church at 11am
Feb 4th Communion Revd AH
Feb 11th Family service Revd AH
Feb 18th Communion Revd AH
Feb 25th Morning Prayer Revd AF
AH=Anne Hardacre AF= Andy Froud
Lunch Club
Wednesday 14th & 28th February 12 noon at 12-2pm
At the Methodist Church. All welcome
Tea and Chat
Tuesday 20th February at 2pm
Christ Church rota for sidespeople
Feb 4th Robin Atkinson & Ron smith
Feb 11th Estelle Bolton & Children
Feb 18th Aurthur & Olive Hodgson
Feb 25th Margaret Nixon & Derek Hardacre
Mar 4th Robin Atkinson & Ron Smith
Website address:
For more information on the church and activities visit the new updated church website