Vintage Tea - 12/05/2018

An enormous thank you to everyone who contributed to the preparation and the delivery of the Royal Vintage Afternoon Tea. This year saw record attendances of 82 with people coming from far and wide. Many compliments were made on the high standard of the food and the service.

The special theme this year celebrated the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with a display of Royal Weddings that havetaken place since the church was opened almost 200 years ago, the first church in the reign of Queen Victoria. The display included authentic period wedding dresses, and many mementos including coins, cups, spoons, books and even unopened bottles of beer commemorating Royal Weddings. Interesting information was included both on display cards and the big screen movie.

The event was also a financial success bringing a very worthwhile contribution of £702 to the Open the Door Campaign which is to give some tender loving care to this Grade II listed building.
