Week 12th > 18th May

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Each day we remember a particular blessing we have which some others do not have and are encouraged to give some money or give time in prayer, as a "thank you".

Please Donate on line via this link.

Thank you in anticipation.

With your help, we can work towards a world where families can escape the trap of poverty and fulfil their ambitions.
Seven days, so many ways to fund lasting change.

But hope does not disappoint.
Hope lives in you.

Your gifts during Christian Aid Week could help set up water taps on farms, help people learn to grow food, and provide seeds that thrive in drought – giving all that is needed to turn dry, dusty land into gardens of hope. Please contribute to Christian Aid Week, and help turn hunger into hope.With every gift, every action, every prayer, we celebrate and share hope with our sisters and brothers facing crisis around the world, from Ukraine to Zimbabwe.
Christian Aid gives aid to those in need wherever they are and whatever religion and those of no religion at all.
Please give as generously as you can. Help turn hunger into hope wherever there is a need. Envelopes to contribute to Christian Aid are available in our churches or use this link.

A prayer for times of isolation

God of heaven and earth, in these times of isolation, apart from loved ones, distant from friends, away from neighbours, thank you that there is nothing in all of creation, not even coronavirus, that is able to separate us from your love.

And may your love that never fails continue to be shared through the kindness of strangers looking out for each other, for neighbours near and far, all recognising our shared vulnerability, each of us grateful for every breath, and willing everyone to know the gift of a full and healthy life.
Keep us all in your care.

A prayer for medical workers everywhere

Restoring and healing God, thank you for medical workers everywhere, embodying sacrificial love in these challenging times, putting the welfare of others before their own, staying away from their family and loved ones, comforting the concerned and bereaved,reassuring the anxious and vulnerable, working to heal and restore people who are ill.

Be their guide, strength, wisdom and hope.
We pray for those in authority to do right by them for proper protective equipment to be provided and for their dedication to be met with much gratitude when they return home, exhausted.
We pray for medical workers around the world, where resources and protective equipment are always in short supply, not only now but always.
May these extraordinary times lead to deep and necessary changes in how our world works, resulting in a genuine effort to address the profound injustice of life expectancy being determined by geography, to awaken us all to the reality of how connected we all are and to work together to create the community and world we all want to be part of.
So help us, God,